23 new World Records
in 2023

from 50 nations

The world's best
in Berlin

safe the date!
May 30th - June 2nd 2024

38. Internationale Deutsche Meisterschaften
Para Swimming

2024, May 30th - June 2nd, Berlin, SSE

We are proud hosting the Para Swimming World Series last big championship prior Paris 2024. About 500 athletes from all around the world will compete to reach their nominations for the Games and personal bests. We are awaiting extraordinary sports entertainmant at world top level. Talented young swimmers will meet world class. Enjoy live or at our livestreams.  

you can find our livestreams


Get the results of
CPSWS Berlin / IDM 2024


Come and be part of the IDM Berlin live at Berlin SSE or at our livestream.
If you want to be part of the IDM 2023 as a volunteer sign in here.




Here you will find the results of the Citi Para Swimming World Series inc. IDM Berlin Swim 2024.



Here you will find the IDM Berlin 2024 / world series team managers manual.


Here you will find the 2024 livestreams.


Here you will find all infos and forms.


The Behinderten- und Rehabilitations- Sportverband Berlin (BS Berlin) will organize the championships again with support of numerous volunteers. The BS Berlin is the sports federation for people with handicaps and all Para Sports in Berlin.

The swimmers of the BS Berlin train in the Berliner Schwimmteam for the IDM and other swimming highlights.

Strongly supported by the City of Berlin, our partners and sponsors and the high motivated volunteers this years host of the Championships will be a great success again.


Following graphics shall give you an overview about the paralympic swimming classification system.
The process of classification includes different medical and sports testings.

Here you can find the IPC Swimming Classification Rules and Regulations.
Here you can find a verbal explanation of the class system.


competition site:

Schwimm- und Sprunghalle im Europa Sportpark Berlin (SSE)
Paul-Heyse-Straße 26
10407 Berlin


public traffic:

Tram Lines M5, M6, M8, 7, 15, 27 to station S-Bahnhof Landsberger Allee
entry to the pool through the tunnel in the middle of the S-Bahn-platform

S-Bahn (Ring) to S-Bahn-Station Landsberger Allee
by lines 41, 42, 8, 85
entry to the pool through the tunnel in the middle of the S-Bahn-platform

by car:
Landsberger Allee direction into the city right to Conrad-Blenkle-Straße
parking at large parking area at Conrad-Blenkle-Straße (public) or
Conrad-Blenkle-Straße straight to the end, right hand the entry to the pool (for athlets and staff only)

Time Table

You will find the time schedules of the IDM Berlin 2024 sessions in the start lists (Meldeergebnis) of the entired session.

Here you will find the competition programme of the IDM 2024.